People in Hybrid Security

25th of April 2024

Technology being the great lever of change, it is the human factor that makes the most of technologies and data in a constantly evolving environment.

Latest Trends & Insights

The World in 2024

Political and economic uncertainty, technological, energy and space races, agile trade battles or multiple elections will set the agenda for a turbulent 2024.

Global | Future 26th of February 2024

Coming Soon

Perception of insecurity in Latin American companies
Crime | America
Security panorama in Chile
Crime | America
The data in hybrid security
Global | Future
Technologies in Hybrid Security
Global | Future

Prosegur around the World


We have partnered with IE Business School

We have partnered with Centro de Seguridad Internacional UFV (Spain)

We have partnered with Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Spain)

We have partnered with Fundación para la Investigación Aplicada en Delincuencia y Seguridad (FIADyS) (Spain)

We have partnered with Universidad Central de Venezuela

We have partnered with Universidade Federal do Ceará (Brasil)

We have partnered with Fundación Ideas para la Paz (Colombia)

We have partnered with Universidad de Belgrano (Argentina)

We have partnered with Instituto de Criminología y Estudios sobre la Violencia (Perú)

Prosegur is member of the patronage of Real Instituto Elcano

Prosegur collaborates with Massachusetts Institute of Technology

We have partnered with Universidad Camilo José Cela (Spain)

We have partnered with Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)