ChatGPT: riesgos y oportunidades para la seguridad
16th of March 2023
We may be witnessing the beginning of a new revolution that will affect all aspects of our lives: education, communication, work, personal relationships and the human-machine relationship. Technology plays an important role in this process of change, as a lever for development, and is thus considered one of the great game changers of the future.
ChatGPT, popularised in recent months, is one of the generative intelligence developments made available to the public. It is based on machine learning and language models, in order to generate new content in any format.
In the field of security, every opportunity generates new threats that must be analysed and taken into account. Prosegur Research points out the ten main security risks, from disinformation, doxing and polarisation to fraud and identity theft.
However, technology, as a major driver of change, is not generally created to be used maliciously. Therefore, this tool´s main opportunities in security matters are related to its capacity to increase professional skills, learning, predictive analytics or the automation of routine tasks, among others.
We are all protagonists of human, technological and social progress, and therefore we must be responsible for the legacy we leave to those who will come after us. Leading this task is a challenge, but having experts with capabilities powered by disruptive technologies makes it possible.
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