A different World | The keys of the future
10th of March 2022
We live in times characterized by continuous changes and disruptive technologies. This has revolutionized our way of living and interacting with others and the world by creating new lifestyle habits. It is in such framework that we believe the pandemic has served as a catalyst to boost various phenomena.
Since the world is enduring constant change and enormous uncertainty, analysis formulas require a peripheral (wide) and farsighted (length) vision. We must consider that the environment is more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The elements of security and insecurity are in turn made up of an objective and external dimension and a subjective and internal dimension and are framed in drivers or driving forces that shape the world.
The pandemic is expected to provoke at least two serious impacts on national and international security. On the one hand, a surge in social disorder derived from the existing extreme polarization arising from a substantial lack of trust in institutions boosted by the management of the pandemic and from frustration derived from economic, health and social related grievances. On the other hand, organized crime and criminal governance are expected to increase given their high adaptive ability, enormous resources, and the greater social control of criminal organizations hold in certain territories taking advantage of the health crisis. These forecasts are the result of our studies regarding the future of security drawn up from the seven keys identified as strategic and disclosed herein.
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