Hybrid Security

07th of July 2022

Uncertainty indexes are at maximum and unknown levels. The catalog of threats to organizations and companies is growing, but how, when and where they will materialize is still unknown. Thus, new risks are turning security into an evolving and increasingly broad concept.

On the one hand, the concept of security has broadened its horizons: from security focused on the protection of people and assets or goods, it has moved on to cover areas such as economic, environmental, food, legal, data, information and technological security.

On the other hand, threats are hybrid in nature: they combine conventional and non-conventional aspects, hybridize the physical and the logical, affect the human and the technological.

Thirdly, risks are systemic in nature. The materialization of a risk, be it a pandemic or a conflict such as the one in Ukraine, generates additional risks in cascade: inflation, energy crisis, economic and financial instability with the risk of recession, modulation of power balances or food crisis, among others. These risks affect all dimensions of our societies, including the business sector, and end up having an impact on security issues: social disorder, increase or variation in criminality, increase in criminal governance or massive migratory movements. 

Therefore, in this changing world of hybrid threats and reconfiguration of parameters, Prosegur has coined the term Hybrid Security, a model in which security experts are empowered through intelligent and connected technologies that leverage data strategically. And all this with the pillar of an organization with legacy, culture and purpose.

This technological era characterized by disruptive and frequent change necessarily involves an effort to understand and analyze all the variables and players driving change. This transformation and hybridization of the world creates new challenges and opportunities for the security of people and businesses. Consequently, Security Operations Centers (SOC) are also evolving. In this context, our model is based on the iSOCs, Security Operations Centers with a differential "i": with high-value information, international in nature, with an integrating capacity that provides innovation from an intelligent vision. They are all coordinated globally. The iSOCs integrate people who are experts in security, empowered by the most disruptive technologies and the availability of high-value data.

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