Security context in Spain in 2022
This document breaks down the data of the main criminal categories in order to establish a succinct yet exhaustive overview of criminality in Spain in 2022.
Panorama de Seguridad en España 2022
El contexto geoestratégico, la seguridad ciudadana, el crimen organizado, los extremismos violentos, la delincuencia medioambiental y el cibercrimen configuran los principales aspectos del panorama de seguridad en España.
Global | Delincuencia 22 Diciembre 2022 share
Crime within and against companies
A mapping of the main criminal typologies committed within and against companies is elaborated to explore the criminal realities and new criminal formulas.
Analysis of cocaine trafficking in South America
Latin America is currently an essential center for drug trafficking in the transnational market, making cocaine the backbone of the subcontinent.
The humming of the criminal world
Drones are emerging as one of the main tools of the future to perpetrate sabotage, terrorist actions and other illicit activities that endanger the integrity of people and infrastructures.
La nueva gobernanza criminal en América Latina
La gobernanza criminal en América Latina realiza funciones propias del Estado en extensas áreas geográficas, como ofrecer seguridad o dotar suministros básicos.
Dimensions and perspectives on violence in Latin America
Latin America is the most violent region in the world, accounting for 37% of homicides worldwide. Good governance, anomie or impunity are some of the determining factors to understand those crime levels.
(In)Security in Latin America, complex problem?
Violence levels is one of the main concerns for Latin American societies and States.