Prosegur Research
Global Risks: What are the biggest risks for 2023?
This document briefly analyzes the most severe risks for the coming years.
The strategic value of data
We live in the data era: harnessing large volumes of data is a complex task for organizations today; yet it is not in the data itself, but in the presence of large quantities of it and within an exploitable environment where its value resides.
Global | Innovation 30th of March 2023 share
ChatGPT: Security risks and opportunities
ChatGPT offers significant opportunities for businesses and societies, but it is not without security risks that need to be taken into account.
Global | Innovation 16th of March 2023 share
Trends in security technological innovation
Innovation is the best way to approach the future and know how to adapt to new security threats.ies and new criminal formulas.
Global | Innovation 01th of March 2023 share
The paradoxes of individual empowerment and security
Individual empowerment, a process that allows us to have greater control over our own lives, is one of the major trends of the future and also has an impact on security in many aspects and from different disciplines.
The world in 2023
The mindset of change will require, more than ever, courage and diversity as key anchor points to navigate this uncertain but surely exciting 2023.
Security Outlook for Spain 2022
The geostrategic context, citizen security, organized crime, violent extremism, environmental crime and cybercrime are the main aspects of the security landscape in Spain.
Crime within and against companies
A mapping of the main criminal typologies committed within and against companies is elaborated to explore the criminal realities and new criminal formulas.
Analysis of cocaine trafficking in South America
Latin America is currently an essential center for drug trafficking in the transnational market, making cocaine the backbone of the subcontinent.
The humming of the criminal world
Drones are emerging as one of the main tools of the future to perpetrate sabotage, terrorist actions and other illicit activities that endanger the integrity of people and infrastructures.